Thursday, December 12, 2019

What Is Difference Between Superstitions and Cultural Traditions free essay sample

Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as â€Å"the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. † People learn about cultural traditions through interaction rather than through the memorization of a text. There are many ways that a culture can be shared among people without them being fluent in it such as through food, customs, clothing, language, beliefs, and behaviors. Superstition is â€Å"to be an irrational but usually deep-seated belief in the magical effects of a particular action or ritual† is defined by Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Superstition is an integral part of almost every culture around the world. Even people who do not believe in superstition may still pause before walking under a ladder, or may think of a wish when they see a falling star. Superstitions, whether believed by a whole culture or just one person, still have some sway over people’s lives. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Difference Between Superstitions and Cultural Traditions? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Culture is distinctly human and is transmitted through learning traditions and customs that govern behavior according to CNN. Com. With the increase of technology and new discoveries about the world developing daily it makes it impossible for cultures to remain stagnant; therefore, they must learn how to adapt in order to survive. There are many ways in which people differ from one another by virtue of traditions handed down through the generations, and these are often admirable and worthy of respect. The difference between cultural tradition and superstition is that a tradition is based on a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. Whereas superstition is not based on reason, knowledge, or experience. It is also applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific unrelated prior events. We grow up in a culture which influences who we are and how we live. Through studying different traditions we learn more about our own superstitions and cultural traditions. It is what defines culture and the differences we have between our cultural traditions.

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